About Our Church

We’re confident that you will discover a truly warm welcome here from our growing congregation. We draw people from Bridgewater, of course, but also from surrounding towns like Brookfield and New Milford.
Ours is a Congregational church, which means it is organized basically as a democracy where most all of the decisions about church life are ultimately made by the congregation.
Our Mission Statement guides our community: “The Bridgewater Congregational Church seeks to be a Christ-centered, loving community of faith, welcoming to all, a supportive and joyful home for each individual’s spiritual journey, energetically committed to sharing God’s love through fellowship and service.”
We’re a member church of the United Church of Christ, which is a mainline Protestant denomination that emerged from the Protestant Reformation and found root in the earliest days of the American Republic. This particular congregation dates back to 1803.
For a more detailed look at our early history click here.
Bridgewater Congregational Church
United Church of Christ
Open and Affirming Covenant
“I give you a new commandment: love each other. Just as I have loved you,
so you also must love each other” John 13:34
We are all ONE. We celebrate everyone and affirm that every individual is a Beloved Child of God including people of all ages, shapes, races, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, family configurations, economic circumstances, physical, cognitive or emotional abilities, education, and spiritual and religious traditions. We cannot and will not be separated by our differences, we celebrate our similarities.
We were created as diverse pieces of the amazing puzzle of Life. With any one piece missing the puzzle would not be whole. Each of us is an essential element in the overall design. Each of us has been crafted by our Creator for different purposes. Together, as a whole, we work to bring God’s Beauty, Peace, Justice and Healing into the world.
We, the members of The Bridgewater Congregational church, United Church of Christ, Bridgewater, Ct welcome ALL into our midst. We invite and welcome people of all ages to share in the full life and leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of participation in our congregation. We recognize that there are differences among us, and believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. We understand that our purpose is to love ALL of God’s People and Creation itself.
We are an Open and Affirming community.